Estimator Tool







The Single Scheme Estimator Tool is a spreadsheet based calculator designed to give active Single Scheme members a broad indication of the level of retirement benefits that they may be eligible to receive on reaching their Normal Retirement Age. Because Single Scheme benefits build up every time a member gets paid, it is not possible to provide a precise forecast of your retirement benefits. To be eligible to receive a retirement benefit under the Scheme, a member must have paid into the Scheme for 24 months or more.

The Estimator Tool in the table below will, based on user-inputs, provide Single Scheme members in the following category types with a broad estimate of their retirement benefits at the relevant Normal Retirement Age:

  • Standard Accrual members
  • Fast Accrual (Uniformed) members
  • Members of the Judiciary

The estimators are not suitable for members of the Oireachtas including the President; the Comptroller and Auditor General and other qualifying and designated office holders;

You should read the appropriate “Estimator Tool – At A Glance Guide” below before using the Estimator Tool

Single Scheme Member Estimator Tool
Date of Issue 20 June 2024


Estimator Tool – Standard, Fast Accrual (Uniformed) and Members of the Judiciary


Note on macros These Estimator Tools uses MS Excel macros to carry out calculations. In order to use this tool, you must enable macros in MS Excel by clicking “Enable content”.

If you have any difficulty downloading or using these Estimator Tools you should contact your local IT System Administrator.

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